We believe we can help shape a world where the plastic products vital to our lives are even better tomorrow than they are today.

Passing of Bill C-59

The Canadian federal government, through late changes to omnibus Bill C-59, passed amendments to the Competition Act with immediate effect that create significant uncertainty for Canadian companies that want to communicate publicly about the work they are doing to improve their environmental performance, including actions and plans to address climate change.

NOVA Chemicals remains fully committed to our environmental performance, to our sustainable development, to the work we are doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our 2030 ambitions. We believe, along with the rest of the plastics industry, that plastics has a key role to play in helping Canada meet its climate ambitions.  This belief is the foundation for why our mission is to reshape plastics for a better, more sustainable world.

Unfortunately, there is uncertainty on how the new law will be interpreted and applied.  For this reason, until the Competition Bureau provides clarity and specific guidance on what is required to comply with these new laws, and the significant risks associated with non-compliance, we have temporarily removed our environmental and climate content from our website, social media and other public communications.  This decision was not made lightly and is a direct result of the new legislation.  We hope to return to providing information in these areas once the uncertainty has been clarified.

Responsible Care

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We value the safety and well-being of our communities and the environment.

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In our products and those we enable, we innovate to improve people’s lives.

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Our quality virgin and recycled resins provide high-performance, cost-effective solutions to meet your customers’ most pressing challenges. 

Ethylene & Co-Products

We produce a significant quantity of chemical co-products while producing ethylene.